Checking All the Boxes: A Look at the Requirements to Join Royal Queensland Golf Club

Earning membership in Brisbane’s most prestigious golf clubs can be an arduous process. But for dedicated golf enthusiasts who can navigate the demands, gaining access to these elite circles can make the effort worthwhile.

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Take the Royal Queensland Golf Club in Eagle Farm for example – since 2019, there has been a waiting list for new male members, whilst opportunities for women and juniors remain limited. 

According to the club’s website, “this aligns with the Golf Australia and R&A special measure to promote women’s golf.”

Photo credit: Janita Dal Cin/Google Maps 

At $18,000, it also has one of the most expensive memberships in Queensland. The lengthy application process requires proof of good character with references, a non-refundable $1000 fee, and an interview with club representatives. If approved, the nomination is posted publicly at the club for two weeks before current members vote.

Once accepted, there is a $13,000 entrance fee and $5,035 in annual dues. A strict dress code mandates collared shirts, tailored pants, and white socks for men and similarly formal attire for women. No jeans or cargo pants allowed.

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Photo credit: Bexsu D/Google Maps

For golf enthusiasts who make it through, they gain access to the premier golfing experience in Queensland at the prestigious Eagle Farm course. The club also offers top-notch facilities and dining.

Their state-of-the-art coaching centre offers skilled instructors imparting their expertise whilst club repair services ensure equipment is in optimal condition. A well-stocked retail store features the latest golfing essentials. With all of these amenities, the club provides everything one needs for a fulfilling golfing experience. 

Photo credit: Toby Evers/Google Maps 

They also boast a long and distinguished history. Royal Queensland traces its roots to 1920 in Hamilton before relocating. In 1921, it cemented its elite status by receiving its “Royal” title from King George V, with the official letter signed by Winston Churchill.

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For passionate golfers willing to persevere, gaining membership at Royal Queensland offers immense privileges and prestige. However, reaching the club’s elite circles requires navigating a long and demanding process filled with hurdles at every step. Only those with the dedication to complete the journey will find themselves numbered among some of Queensland’s most exclusive golfing circles.

Published 3-February-2024