A three-storey childcare centre could soon rise on busy Sandgate Road in Ascot, on property that used to be a service station.
Dan Band Holdings Pty Ltd lodged DA A006008025 in May 2022 detailing plans to redevelop the demolished service station as a childcare centre with a striking brick design.
The facility has been designed to accommodate 69 kids who will be able to take advantage of six activity rooms, an elevated outdoor play area, and sections of undercover play areas.

Urban Strategies helped with the building’s U-shaped layout that provides a piazza at the centre of the property, accessible to all the activity rooms.
“This central piazza areas are seen to be a design which allows for increased interaction of children between play rooms whilst also being respectful of neighbouring properties through orientating a large play area internal to the site and hence minimising any potential acoustic concerns,” the development application stated.

The childcare centre will be open from 7:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. during weekdays and will have 14 car parking areas.
However, Council has asked for more information based on the initial assessment, given that the bulk and scale of the building exceeds the low to medium-density residential zone code of the area. The planners have been asked to amend the plans and reduce the building’s height and appearance which should be in line with the streetscape of Sandgate Road.

In September, the planners filed for a Notice to Stop the Current Period for 130 days to prepare the amended plans.
Meanwhile, the DA has received one submission from a resident opposing the childcare centre.
“I oppose the development as the flow on effect of traffic issues this will cause on both Sandgate Road and Butler street will be extensive. Living on Butler street currently it is almost impossible to get a carpark outside my own house at the best of times let alone during school drop off and pick up (St Margaret’s) and this proposed child care centre will make the situation even worse,” the local stated.