Suffer from Chronic Back Pain or Osteoporosis? A Newly Launched Service in Ascot Offers New Treatments

Ascot Kieser FI
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Chronic back pain has become endemic in society and so the recent Brisbane launch of a brand new service called Kieser, at 1 Zillman Rd in Ascot, will bring relief to many.

From golfers, gardeners, and sports people, to those lifting and carrying heavy items and to people who harm their back with bad posture or poor technique in the gym, Kieser has developed a process combining physio with specially developed machines to strengthen the support structure and enable an injury to be treated.



“Nearly half of all Australians have one or more chronic health conditions. At Kieser, our Physiotherapy and Exercise Physiology team is well equipped to help individuals manage their chronic health conditions. In particular, our strength training programs are ideal for those with osteoporosis or low bone density as progressive strength training in a safe environment is one of the best things you can do to maintain your bone mineral density,” says Clinic Leader, Jedd Michell.

Training at Kieser
Photo Credit: Supplied

For the next four weeks following the launch in Ascot, Kieser is offering a 50 per cent discount on their initial assessment to encourage locals to give it a go. They deal with all private health funds as well.

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The company already has 23 centres mainly in the southern states of Australia, having opened its first clinic in 2006. The growth of the service has enabled thousands of people to live a pain-free life.

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So, what’s different about Kieser?

The physios have been trained in the Kieser fundamentals and fully understand how a wide range of musco-skeletal conditions can be treated with a combination of manipulation and targeted muscular strengthening, enabling the treatment to sustain improvement rather than a quick fix that re-occurs later.

Gym use in Kieser

The equipment in the gym enables most people to get what they need from a 30-minute session, twice per week.

The gym has been designed to remove distractions like music and juice bars so that clients can use the specially designed machines that focus heavily on technique, with support available, as well as one-on-one training for those that need it.

Kieser Exercise Physiologists also specialise in both the prevention of chronic conditions as well as rehab recovery following surgery.

Who should see an Exercise Physiologist?

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